We aren't the pub to send your best work to. We want your cringeworthy, embarrassing, "dollar store" writing. Check our About Page for more information on what we're looking for. Make sure to follow us @dollarstoremag on Twitter and Instagram for submission updates and themes.
May 1-15, 2023

flickering streetlamps / distant house music / midnight drives / watching the moonrise from the fire escape / 3am talk radio
Submission Guidelines
Content. We trust that you've seen submission guidelines before. If you haven’t, we’re honored to be your first and we trust that you'll catch on quickly. No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. -- and no plagiarism. Please include relevant content warnings! Due to copyright issues, we can't accept fanfic pieces, so please don't send any.
We want awkward stories and embarrassing poems, but PLEASE NO SMUT. Seriously, we don't want it. We'll reject your piece and probably won't accept your submissions in the future. We may be tacky, but we still have standards.
Previously published work & simultaneous submissions. We do not accept work that has been published by other publications. We do accept work that has been published on personal blogs, your mom’s fridge, or your Wattpad account when you were thirteen. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please email us to withdraw your submission if someone else accepts it first. We’re happy for you!
Poetry Submissions: You can submit up to 5 poems, with no more than 6 pages max. Please submit all poems in one document (Word document, Google Doc or PDF) with each poem beginning on a new page. Poetry submissions should be single-spaced, unless formatted differently. Title your submission in the following format: GENRE_last name_number of pieces (ex. POETRY_Doe_2).​
Nonfiction and Fiction: You can submit up to 3 pieces in a single submission OR 5,000 words maximum (whichever comes first). Please submit all pieces in one document (Word document, Google Doc or PDF) with each piece beginning on a new page. Nonfiction and fiction submissions should be double-spaced. Title your submission in the following format: GENRE_last name_number of pieces (ex. FICTION_Doe_1).
Flash Fiction: You can submit up to 3 pieces of flash fiction, with each piece having a maximum of 500 words. Please submit all pieces in one document (Word document, Google Doc, or PDF) with each piece beginning on a new page. Flash fiction submissions should be double-spaced. Title your submission in the following format: GENRE_last name_number of pieces (ex. FLASH FICTION_Doe_3).
Art and Illustrations: You can submit up to 5 works of art. Please submit all artwork as a PDF, PNG, or JPG. Title your submission(s) in the following format: GENRE_last name_title of artwork (ex. Illustration_Doe_Mona Lisa).
Checkout. Send all submissions to dollarstoremag@gmail.com. Like the title of your submission document, please format the subject line like this: GENRE_last name_number of pieces. In the body of your email, include a short contributor bio (75 words max) and any social media handles you want to share. Your submission doesn't have to be formal! You can say hi to us and tell us why you think your work's a good fit for our latest issue, or you can say "here's my stuff." Please include any relevant content warnings both in the email body and on the first page of your submission.
Returns: Once submissions close, you'll hear back from us within a few weeks. If you have questions about the status of your submission, feel free to email us!
Payment. Unfortunately, we can't pay our contributors right now, but we hope to in the future!
Rights. All rights revert to the writer upon publication. We just ask that you credit Dollar Store Magazine as the first home of your work!